228 – The Giver by Lois Lowry

here it is: the book cover that defined a generation

here it is: the book cover that defined a generation

How have we possibly gone 229 days without a book review? Throughout primary and secondary school, I was a voracious reader. Then in college I fell off, as reading became more of a chore. Once I was living in the real world (and riding on real public transportation), books became a big part of my life once again. But now I’m just another LA driver, too self-absorbed to crack a book. While that’s not exactly true (I’ve been slowly working my way through House of Leaves), my rate of consumption has dropped dramatically (I’ve been slowly working my way through House of Leaves… for the last year). Maybe all that is about to change though, because I now present for your pleasure a review of Lois Lowry’s classic, The Giver. No, not the movie. The book.

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