017 – Using Ginger Ale to Settle an Upset Stomach

ginger ale header

We’ve all been there. Whatever the reason, your stomach just isn’t feeling quite right. Maybe you’re nervous or maybe you went on a roller coaster or maybe you’re hungry or maybe you’re just gonna barf – no matter what, you need relief. Because if things keep going on the track that they’re on, you’re in for an awful day or night or life.

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266 – Coconut Water

rihanna actually said that!

rihanna actually said that!

It’s been a rough couple months for me guys. I wrote about being sick back in May in the midst of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. I usually have a very strong constitution, but something is happening to me this year. Illness is in vogue in 2014, and you can call me Kate Upton, because I’m modeling it like crazy. It’s all virus, all the time, so in a situation like that your renewed health depends more on how you treat your body than on what medications you take. And that’s why I’m here on behalf of coconut water.

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